Register for a Library Card

Residents of the Black Gold Cooperative member libraries service area can now get immediate 24/7 access to online services without having to visit a library. Your eCard will allow access to:

  • Bestselling eBooks and eAudiobooks from OverDrive and hoopla
  • Music, television programs and movies from hoopla
  • eBooks from Enki

Complete the online application to get your eCard number now. If you already have a public library card from Blanchard Community Library, Goleta Valley Library, Lompoc Public Library, or Santa Maria Public Library, you do not need an eCard. Your current library card number can be used to access online resources and place holds. If you live outside the Black Gold Cooperative member libraries service area but are a resident of California, you will have to visit a member library to obtain a card.

If you would like to check out physical materials from your public library, go to the nearest branch with a photo ID and present your eCard number to a staff member to be issued a library card with checkout privileges. If you have any problems getting an eCard with this form, please visit your nearest branch with a photo ID to obtain a library card.

Please be aware that if you change your eCard to a regular library card and you use OverDrive, you will need to merge your accounts to retain access to your holds and borrowed items. To merge your accounts, contact Overdrive via their support form with both card numbers. If you do not have both card numbers, contact Library Staff.

This card will expire after 3 months, so please be sure to stop in to your local library to apply for a card with full library privileges.

 ¡Los residentes del área de servicio del Sistema Cooperativo de Bibliotecas Black Gold ahora pueden obtener acceso a los servicios de la biblioteca con una tarjeta electrónica! La residencia está determinada por el código postal de estas jurisdicciones bibliotecarias: Biblioteca Comunitaria Blanchard, Bibliotecas del Valle de Goleta y Santa Ynez, Sistema de Bibliotecas Públicas de Lompoc, y Biblioteca Pública de Santa María.

Libros electrónicos descargables, audiolibros, música y películas, y acceso a recursos informativos y educativos están disponibles para los usuarios de tarjetas electrónicas. Se pueden reservar materiales disponibles en todo el sistema Black Gold; una vez que lleguen a su biblioteca local, simplemente traiga una identificación con foto para cambiar su tarjeta electrónica a una tarjeta de la biblioteca con privilegios completos. Para aprovechar los beneficios de la tarjeta electrónica hoy, complete el siguiente formulario. Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes, llame a su biblioteca de Black Gold más cercana para obtener ayuda.
